
Mogadishu Mile
“Mogadishu Mile” WOD:
• For time, complete 4 rounds of:
• 19 Kettlebell Ground to Overheads (53 pounds for males, 35 pounds for females)
• 19 Kettlebell Front Squats (53 pounds for males, 35 pounds for females)
• 19 Kettlebell Push-Ups
• 400m Kettlebell Run
1. Kettlebell Technique: Maintain proper kettlebell technique for each movement to optimize performance and reduce the risk of injury.
2. Pacing: Given the intensity of the WOD and the weights involved, pace yourself strategically to sustain effort across all rounds.
3. Push-Up Form: Pay attention to push-up form. Maintain a straight body position and perform full-range push-ups.
4. Run Strategy: Approach the kettlebell run with a consistent pace, considering it’s part of a larger workout.
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